Dear FAmily!!!
I am retarded and waited till 5:30 to send this email and i literally have nooooooooo time!!!! But I'm sending a letter tomorrow and that will be very long!! For Brek and Kira yours is coming!!
Highlights from this week
1. My week was amazing and I learned so much and I cant even explain the tender mercies I have felt from Heavenly Father
2. I went to the temple today finally!!! Yea!!!
3. I taught the law of chasity and I nailed it and it was sooo good!! The spirit was so strong and I wish all of you could have been there.
4. I sang today at an orientation and mostly everyone was crying and I was sooo happy.... I REMEMBERED ALL of the WORDS!!!
5. Its sooo hot and I'm dying !!
5. Sunday we got told all about the dress code aka.... no nylons, skirts to right below the knee!! Seriously.. and all different shirts and patterns!!!! TELL AUBREEEEEEEE SAVE HERRRRRRRR
MOM I have no place to shop but I wear the same thing every day!
6. I feel sick aka going to throw up I'm starting to hate eating.... today I literally feel 348349583 LBS
7. I never want to stop teaching.... the spirit is amazing and I never want to go without it.
8. I might need somemore things... I just got a letter saying that I got a package!! so thank you I will go see that
9. Pray for me to keep learning the scriptures I have so much to learn!!
10. I wear my tagg proud everyday and I'm so happy to be on a mission.
I know that this church is true and I love you all so much. I know that we are never alone and that if we have faith we can make it through anything! Through this life we are going to have ups and downs but we just have to remember that the Lord knows us personally!!
I love you
Love Sister Mettra
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