Sister Mettra and Sister Rathgaber

Sister Mettra and a very nice sister from Switzerland

Oh DANG, I should know her last name. Well, Sister Mettra and one of her best good friends.

Sister Mettra and "Super Star."
Dear Loves...
This week has gone to show me that, nothing is impossible with the Lords help... and a little Sunshine :) Well I'll say it, I miss my ocean and sunshine but it makes me more grateful when the sun does come! I'm feeling better since last week and know that only through the Lords help am i really where i am. I know that a good attitude and faith can endure anything that come our way. When i was studying this week i really came to understand how much the Lord loves each and every one of us. Although we are not even close to perfect, he teaches us with love. I came across this quote this week and really love it,
"Pause to ponder the suffering Christ felt in the Garden of Gethsemane. In the awareness of the depth of gratitude for him, you appreciate every opportunity to show your love for him by diligently serving in his church."- Elder Bushe
And it has made me understand now, how utterly alone the Savior was during the moments in the garden.... But he was alone so we would never have to be. And how grateful i am for that in my life especially on a misison. I love my Savior and all he did for me because no matter what happens to me I know I don't walk alone in this work.
i had an RC phone call this week that helped me see really that the spirit will tell you exactly what you need to say if you will let him. As i started to talk to Kieth he talked about how he was a strong catholic and everything but as the minutes past he started to soften up little by little. I finally found what he needed, to know that God was really there. He said you know Jenna, i wish i knew God more you seem to really know him. And I said the phrase that comes into my mind often, "I always believed that there was a God but it wasn't until i got down on my knees and asked till i knew." The spirit pressed a pause and he said, that was the most beautifully worded sentence i have ever heard. I said Kieth I'm calling to tell you that God loves you and he wants you to know him. He wants to bless your life, will you let him? .... We will be teaching him this week :)
Angels on the Square...
Sister Andersen and I received the pleasure of being at the desk for a little bit this week! My Favorite!! Cause when people walk into temple square, you are the first people they see. Aka you better be excited to see them, as i am :). Well Joan and Berry were talking to us a couple from Australia and they said when they walked around here they just felt peace. And they wondered what it was? We were able to bare or testimonies about the pioneers and of coarse tears came to my eyes as they always do when i speak about the Savior or the pioneers, well in general the gospel. But as i was testifying Joan says, your heavenly almost like an angel, hunny do you see that glow. Its the way you speak and your eyes just light up. And sister Andersen and i were able to tell them why we were different. That was an amazing moment where i really felt the lord magnify us.
Indie guys on the bikes.....
We were walking across the conference center back to the square and i was like oh sorry sorry cause i was in their way and he goes your fine your fine..... wow you are fine hahhahahha i was laughing so hard I almost tripped.
Miracles surround the Temple
Sister Andersen and i tried to something a little different then we usually do, and that was to walk on the grounds of the temple in the early evening to find some people. Well we saw these three guys and we kinda were following them ha but its ok to be creepy sometimes we are just helping with salvation haha. So my comp was like no Sister Mettra they saw us, and i said so what ha lets go. She was embarrassed so i just put on my smile and started talking to them. They wanted a picture all together so we took their picture and they were so funny especially TONY. So tony was this young black guy from TN! And he was visiting his friends here from the army. Tony was baptist the other two have been inactive since they were 14 pretty much. As we started teaching about the temple the spirit was so strong and i knew that this would be a miracle. Half way into the tour tony said, wow this place is heavenly! We felt the spirit prompt for the conference center which i love! .. We talked about prophets and what it means that we really have a prophet today! They took a seat at the very top and my heart started beating so fast. I saw for just a moment how much God loved each of these young men. They had all been to war and served their country well, but all had broken spirits wounded in the battle of life. As We stood there I told them i would like to share a hymn with them. They got so excited and all sat there and one i saw a tear come down Tim's face. The spirit overcame all of us i couldn't speak this truly was a song of the heart trying to heal the wounds of these men. We invited Tony to learn more about the restored gospel and he said yes! He then looked at me and sad something I'll never forget, he said... Sister Mettra you will never know how many lives you have touched through that voice. And you will never know how your message is received, thank you for sharing, thank you.
Some guy was just walking past us on the square and told us how to make our own personal opium stash hahahah how thoughtful?
Swedish Babes
We found some swedish babes with tats at the flag pole and decided that they needed a little tour! As we took them around we quickly learned.... they didn't know anything about God. I've never testified so bodly of the power of God before. At the christus after playing the naration in swedish, I know that God loves you so much thats why he brought you here to salt lake city to be right here in this room. I felt my face and my spirit just glow because i could feel the Lord by my side speaking with me everything I said the spirit double testified. We will teach them in a couple of weeks!!
Youth Conference..
I was priviliged to be asked to sing at a youth conference this week and Sister Ching and i came up with an arrangement with did you think to pray and Joseph Smiths first prayer! it was amazing i wish you were all there. I havent felt the spirit tesitfy while I'm singing so strongly in a long time. My heart was pounding fast and i knew that this was exactly what many needed to hear in that room including me. Before singing i was able to bare my testimony of how the power of prayer is real and thats what led me here!
Well as always there is much more to say but i must say goodbye now with a thought.....
Dont look behind you to your past because your destiny is right infront of you... are you looking at it?
Love you all!
Love Sister Mettra
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