I know this is getting out so much later then I wanted but we were just getting adjusted to PDAY which fyI is my favorite minus sunday ahah! Ok Ahhh where to start
DAy 1 ... My companion is from AUSTRAILIA .. Yes she is from where karen is going!! Connection already :) She is very sweet her name is sister Walshe. Sister Mackey is one of my roommates and I love her so so much its a blessing we are together seriously! .. ok so i had some tears at night when I went to sleep the first night just trying to adjust and realizing I was actually here!
Day 2 i loved day two ... Um my district is sooo amazing I love all my elders like LOVE LOVE THEM. They are so inspiring and we all want to be so so obideint all the time. All the Elders are going to knoxville!!! KIRA they have questions for you that will come later if I can type fast enough. Ok So saturaday was probably the longest hardest day! I tried so hard with Sister Walshe to learn and i had a memory block and seriously couldn't teach ha I don't understand!! But I prayed so much like all day long Heavenly Father and I were having a little chat! I am so grateful to be here its been amazing ... and also very hard. I know that the Lord needs me here right here right now to be the best missionary I can be. i have prayed more this week then I have in a long time. The spirit is so strong here and I know that if I just humble myself the Lord will help me. This week I have noticed that my strength is having the spirit with me and teaching off of that more then anything else. I am grateful for everything that I have been through because already it has helped me so much. When I look into to someone's eyes and testify that they have a heavenly Father that loves them... I almost always have tears in my eyes just because I remind myself everytime. This work is so incredable and its only been a couple days and I'm learning so much. I want to be a better person when I return and I am confident that with the Lords help that will be possible.
On sunday we had a fireside that literally changed my life. Sister jenny Baker... aka sister Oak's daughter. She is a professional violionist and she spoke of how she gained her testimony through music. That was a tender mercy from the lord right there because I kept comparing myself to everyone else. heavenly Father gave me this talent as an extra way to gain my testimony and testify. I auditioned for a specail musical number.... and they want me back!! Which is really good seeing there are like a million people that try out! Ok I know this email isn't very long but there is a number in the corner of the screen timing me! haha I need BRek skills right now!
I was having a hard time the first couple of days and really wondered why this was so hard. Thank you thank you for all your emails please keep them coming .... ok here are notes for everyone.... CAUSE I AM MISSING SO MUCH thats why I had some tears when the lights went out the first night... because I don't have things and I feel unprepared.. but due to our little move ha that was expected..
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