Oh goodness, I don't know who this is but ANOTHER one of her friends serving at temple square.
Hello Friends!!!!
Happy New year!!! Isn't that crazy that another year has gone by?? Yeah so strange I will say that for sure. I have learned so much about myself and about the Savior in just these short couple of months and am so excited to learn more this next year! .... for sure i know one thing... and that is ... God is our loving Heavenly Father and knows us personally!!
So this past week we had Christmas! What a beautiful season this has been filled with the spirit of the Lord. I'm truly honored to be a servant of the Lord at this time, as our mission reaches all over the world. I want to tell you a moment i had on Christmas eve that I will never forget. There is a sister here who went to Berkley and plays the piano professionally.... she played silent night as a sister from Kenya read Luke 2. it was the most beautiful thing i have ever heard. As she finished Luke 2 the sister started playing an incredible rendition of what child is this. Tears just filled my eyes as I spirit bore witness to me that Jesus is the Christ the son of God. And i thought about all the things the Lord has given me in my life. The spirit was so strong and I know my Father in Heaven was listening to the prayers of my heart. he knew i needed that moment. I wasn't worried about gifts or myself... i was focused on the Savior and there was no greater feeling. I hope we all had a moment this Christmas season to take a moment and reflect on what the Lord has given us this year. I know the true meaning of Christmas and I'm so grateful for that experience. After that i sang Ave Maria and sang it in a way I have never before.... the spirit filled the room everyone was crying including me. Music truly is a language of the spirit. That testified to me very strong that beautiful Christmas eve.
Sister TaraSevich and i decided to end the last day of the year going to the temple. As i was sitting there reading about Joseph Smith I felt the spirit so strong as i served in the temple this morning. i know that it is truly a house of the Lord. As i teach guests that come and want to know about the temple... I'm able to tell them about how much i miss and love my family..... but as i enter into the temple i feel home and that's a feeling that has always comforted me. The temple is a place for us to draw closer to the lord.
Well we are filling up our area book very fast my goodness i can barely keep track in my head of how many new people we are teaching. And wow all the places....Let me name a few.... Mexico, Brazil,United Kingdom, Texas, Idaho, Virginia.... The lord is truly using us! Jonsie our investigator from England..... PRAYED!!! and we were sooooo excited!! He doesn't even believe in God but he is trying! I know that the Lord uses us on the phone as we teach.... I can feel the spirit even in those few short moments.
The start of the new year comes new years resolutions! .... I am ready to make some changes that will make me a better missionary in many aspects! This work is amazing and the Lord wants us to be our very best in all we do. I'm striving to be better everyday.... I know I'm not perfect I make mistakes daily and am always messing up but the Lord loves me and is helping me learn as I try to serve him with all my heart! And can I say one thing...... TRIALS MAKE YOU STRONGER!!! ... so when they come... scream, cry, jump up and down .... then laugh and cry... and then pray! That's what i have to do when i want to give up.... just laugh hahaha if our family never laughed we would all die of depression haha!!!
Now of course we have to have a funny moment.... typical new york family walks in.. Jewish opinionated and loud ahha Love them!! ... Well good thing i have a sense of humor or I could have cried on this tour.. they spoke some Hebrew so I tried to find a Hebrew book of Mormon... and they didn't have one... And he said your church is smart they know that no Jew would convert... and i said Bob haha silly man i know a Jew who is a Mormon.. and he is on a mission... he looked at me and said mettra your not going to convert me... and said good thing I'm not trying to ahha :) smiles..... ( i laugh inside as we walk around... spirit comes when we talk so they have no way out) Tabernacle was amazing they begged me to sing in the tabernacle but I'm advised not to and I'm not going to get in trouble!!... and he goes come on you don't have to be Mormon all the time! .. and i said oh maybe when i take my days off haha he goes ... i knew I liked you ahhaha.... then he sat us down next to temple view and told his little boys that everyone we have taught them about the church was a lie and we were pretty much going to helll hahahhhaa.... I was like really bob agree to disagree :) And he said you know maybe Mormons aren't so bad..and I said of course not look at me! and he laughed so hard with his wife.. they wanted to buy us drinks.... haha I said its not my off day sorry! ... well they didn't refer but they cant help the spirit they felt..!!!! i love TEMPLE SQUARE!!...
I can feel your prayers.... thank you so much. I truly am grateful for each and everyone of you that has taken the time to ask the Lord to be with me... I know he is holding my hand I'm not alone no matter what happens...
Love you all!! Happy New year.... Lets recommit ourselves to centering our lives around Jesus Christ
I miss you all and Love you.... LOVE SISTER METTRA
Making magic in the call center.
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